Tuesday, October 19, 2010

John Conyers speaking at Democratic Socialists of America meeting - The Educated Voter

John Conyers speaking at Democratic Socialists of America meeting - The Educated Voter

Lies and Deceptions!

This guy is a card caring Socialist, Marxist and no one is talking about it? The Conservative news media have been telling us about this but no one is aware of how deep these politicians are in our government. They won’t tell you the truth when asked about it. Here it is, on video and still no one is talking about it. WE ARE BECMING A Socialist COUNTRY. Our politicians seem to know what's best for us. If we don't come together as a people all is lost and the only thing that will save us is a Revolution. It can be a voting revolution or an armed one but that’s what it’s going to take. We are so far down the Socialist path I don't think we can prevail in this election.

The Socialist leader Obama is determined to take this country down the Socialist path no matter what the American people want. As with ALL Progressives, they know what’s best for us. He said, if the Democrats loose both houses he would rule by executive order to pass his agenda. This guy has written more executive orders then any other president in history.

The American people can see what’s going on in Europe but will still vote for Socialism. Americans want Food Stamps more then a Pay Check. Spoiled, selfish and entitlement dependent Americans wont give up their Food Stamps with out a fight. We point out the Socialists and their agenda but the people don’t believe us or they make excuses for them. It’s just Political Correctness run wild and it has to stop! We have gotten so far away from our founding values and traditions I don’t think it’s going to change anytime soon.

If you have been paying attention lately you can see how this president has divided us on class and race. This is right out of the Socialist hand book. In the future you will see him try and buy even more votes by dividing us.

God Help Us!

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